Floating Pontoon

A floating pontoon provides year-round access for Full and Visiting Yachtsperson members to come ashore by dinghy. Tides need to be negotiated and access is typically unavailable at a 2.5m tide or less. The seat upon the pontoon was created and bestowed by local wood artist Rex Maxwell and the pontoon is accessible via the ‘Stait Bridge’. 

  • Maximum stay duration at any one time is 48 hours. The pontoon is for temporary land access by those dwelling on vessels in the harbour, it is not a continual storage facility for occasional access to vessels in the harbour.
  • For tenders up to 14ft in length only. 

All Full / Visiting Yachtsperson members wishing to use this facility need to obtain an authorization sticker from the bar or General Manager and affix to their dinghy. This sticker pertains only to the current year of membership and a replacement sticker must be obtained when renewing membership each year. The owner's DBCYA Membership number must also be on visible display on the dinghy.

Pontoon Terms of Use 


